Online marketers - take notice!
A 2009 Social Media Study summarized by eMarketer and conducted by iVillage, BlogHer and Compass Partners, showed that women like social media and blogging. Me being a woman myself, I wasn't surprised that 53% of the female online population said they were engaged in social media. After all, women tend to be very social and expressive beings. Here are some interesting facts from the study:
- 75% of the women studied said they took part in social networking sites and 55% said they used blogs
- Time spent on blogs and social sites, replaced time spent with other online and traditional sources of information.
- Participants spent equal amounts of time reading and writing on blogs
Why do women participate in social media?
- For fun (68%)
- Get information (64%)
- For entertainment (56%)
- Share opinion (55%)
- Seed advice and recommendations (43%)
- For professional purposes (14%)