Friday, April 20, 2007

Did You Know? - Managing Customer Email History

Did you know that the IFModules (IFM) Email Management Blog has now begun a new series called "Did You Know?" The series will focus on quick tips on IFM eMail Manager use and will be published twice a month, sometimes more if we have have new information we just can't wait to share. So, here it goes...

Did you know that you can keep track of a customers email history (as long as it is in eMail Manager - of course)? There are a few ways to do this.

1.) Email Treads: Each email is assigned a unique ID, so when the customer responds to the email, the response (and your response and notes) will be included in the same thread.

2.) Email Search: If the same customer sends a different email, the responses will be assigned a different ID, causing a different thread to be created. No problem. While viewing the email, click on the customer email address (at the top) and the system will search for any email thread with that address.

3.) Categorize: You can also categorize emails by assigning a custom category (e.g. shipment questions, product inquiries, etc.). A category specific report can then be generated in the administrative section.

Have more questions, recommendations or ideas for this post? Send an email to or post your comment here (click on comments below).

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