Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Work Ahead and Save Emails as Drafts

Ever need to write part part of an email, but still not ready to send it? Maybe you had some thoughts on a response, but were not ready to complete the entire message. I do that a lot, and evidently, a lot of our customers do, because the Save Draft feature was one of the most requested features in our newest version of eMail Manager. Saving unfinished emails as drafts lets you work ahead, save emails for others to preview (or approve) or simply gives you time to mull over what you already wrote (like thinking twice before sending that joke to the entire office). Here are some quick reminders on using the Save Draft feature.

When you reply to an existing message, forward a message or compose a new one, instead of sending the email, click the Save Draft Button. Your message will be saved in the folder and listed with all other emails. Drafts are marked with a Green tag graphic. To view the draft, click on the linked email.

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