Friday, June 1, 2007

The Web 2.0 Mystery

Web 2.0. What exactly does that mean? Lately, I have seen this term plastered all over blogs and companies frequently refer to themselves as part of the next Web 2.0 generation. A few weeks ago, BNET did a very informative article on the definition of Web 2.0 and I found it interesting enough to post here. Below are a few bullets to describe what Web 2.0 means. Be sure to read the article too. Enjoy !

What Makes a Company (or application) Part of the Web 2.0 Generation?

  • Use of next generation technologies (such as Ajax)
  • Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. Complex problems can be solved with simple applications. Companies employing this train of thought are on well on their way.
  • Applications that require interaction from users to manipulate the content
  • Applications that replace desktop functionalities
  • Anywhere, anytime access
  • More value in content than in the application itself
  • Data is easily shared

Read the Article: What is Web 2.0?

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