Thursday, April 12, 2007

eMail Manager, CRM and The Sales Team

BNET posted an interesting blog about CRM vendors and the industries' habit of belittling sales people (a large % of their customer base) because of their reluctance to use cumbersome and over-bearing CRM packages. And lets be honest, if a CRM package does not help a sales person close a deal, why bother using it. This is much the same premise we had when we built eMail Manager some years ago. Email management is merely a part of what it takes to manage tasks associated with sales. We wanted to focus on that one important task and make it the best we could while making it easy to use - a required feature. In fact, most of our releases are based on customer comments and requests that are merged and simplified to make a better experience for everyone using the system.

Let me finish by saying that I am really blown away at how the CRM vendor started a pitch letter by knocking sales people. Isn't there some sort of rule not to insult potential customers? Hello?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you liked the post and thanks for sharing it with your readers. I've passed your feedback along to the writer, Geoffrey James.

Again, thanks for your comments!

Leslie Leite
BNET Community Manager